I've MOVED! Come check out my new website and blog! reneeyeoman.com

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


So I've decided it's time to pick up the blog again! It's time for a revamp, since my life has taken some turns. I would have never guessed that I would love competing in bodybuilding as much as I love ultrarunning, but it's true! I do miss distance running sometimes, but mostly I'm enjoying being active and am feeling strong, amazing, confident and am in the best shape my life!

Since the last time I posted I have...

Trained for and competed in my first figure competition where I won 5th place in the Masters class (ages 35+) and had the time of my life!
Begun an online class with NASM to become a CPT (aka Certified Personal Trainer) which I am super excited about!
Sent my son off to college which was way harder than I ever imagined.  He is having the time of his life and isn't too far away, so I'm happy.
Become mildly obsessed with inversions.  I finally made myself do a handstand for the first time ever and now it's on!
Took a huge break from running because of the arthritis in my knees and have just started running super short distances again!

Here are some photos from my competition in June.  I'm planning on competing again next fall!