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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Now Accepting New Clients!

SKILL PT provides 3 programs that will fit your fitness goal and budget!
Membership programs
  • Custom resistance training program
  • Custom cardiovascular training program
  • Custom nutrition program
  • BI weekly consultation and program design
8 week private training program
  • Custom resistance training program
  • Custom cardiovascular training  program
  • Custom nutrition program
  • One week personal training  for each  individual muscle group
  • Weekly consultation, personal training and program design
Online training
  • Custom resistance training program
  • Custom cardiovascular training program
  • Custom nutrition program
  • BI weekly Phone and email consultation and program design

All programs include the following
Customized resistance-training program
A resistance training program is crucial to a well rounded fitness program and your overall health.
The term resistance training is used to cover all types of strength or weight training. The best approach to program design is often difficult to identify because there are numerous training systems.  SKILL PT will design a custom resistance training program for each individual’s body type and specific goals.

Customized Cardiovascular program
The numerous benefits of cardio respiratory fitness are related to a variety of adaptive physiologic responses to aerobic exercise. Physiologic responses to training-such as an increase in body-fat utilization, a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance, and an increase in maximal oxygen consumption-help decrease the risk factors like obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, and elevated triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. SKILL PT will customize and educate clients on the proper cardiovascular program.

Customized nutritional program
Why are we so tempted to eat foods that we know we should avoid? What triggers our eating habits? Why do we like high-fat, high-calorie foods?  Many factors influence our eating patterns, including hunger, habits, economics, marketing, availability, convenience, and nutritional value. To be successful you need to be educated. SKILL PT educates clients about the nutrients that the body needs and, specifically, what foods supply them with adequate amounts for optimal health and fitness.

Body composition testing and consulting
An individual’s weight on a scale consists of two dimensions: 1. body fat (adipose tissue); and 2. Fat-free weight (muscle, bones, blood, organs, etc.) the most important value of fitness testing is to establish a baseline against which improvements can be measured over time. SKILL PT provides weekly tests and consultation via phone, or in person to insure you stay on track with your fitness goals.

For pricing and a free consultation  contact:
Renee Yeoman
Cell:  801-201-2165
Email:  reneeyeoman@gmail.com

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