Katherine snapped these three photos while we crept along. Killer icicles.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Daily Snow Hike
Katherine snapped these three photos while we crept along. Killer icicles.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Training Week 6
Week 6
Monday: Sleep in, eat cookies
Tuesday: 3.01, eat pie
Wednesday: Sleep in, eat cookies & pie
Thursday: 6.01 eat more pie and cookies
Friday: 13.5 eat cake & brownies
Saturday: Sleep in, eat more cake & brownies
Sunday: travel
Total: 22.52 perfect vacation miles
Previous Total: 119.39
Training Grand Total: 141.91
Friday, December 28, 2012
Beach Bum Run
2 hr 31 min
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Daily Vacation Mile
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Christmas Mile
It is so warm out here in Florida! Pretty, too! The sunrise was full of pinks and there were lots of really cool birds on the marsh. I ran on the golf course path through the marsh this morning. The perfect way to start Christmas day, forget I'm still stiff from that darn plane ride. I still managed to move along though!
10:09 pace
Monday, December 24, 2012
Traveling aches
After running twenty two miles total on Friday and Saturday flying all day on Sunday wasn't the best thing I could have ever done. I was pretty stiff after I got off the plane and for the first half of the day today. Luckily I'm feeling good now after some rolling on my rubz ball, ibuprofen and lots of stretching. The plan is an early morning Christmas run before the kids wake up tomorrow. The high is supposed to be 70° tomorrow, so I am looking forward to it!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Training Week 5. Not the End of the World.
Week 5
Monday: 3
Tuesday: 6
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 15
Saturday: 7
Sunday: Marathon Plane Trip (not my favorite kind of marathon!)
Total: 31
Previous Total: 88.39
Training Grand Total: 119.39
Friday, December 21, 2012
End of the World Run
After the sun was coming up, it was still pretty cold.

Love that sunrise!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Missed Miles
Run to the grocery store
Run to the instacare for prednisone (lame lame asthma that made me miss a three miler)
Run to buy Christmas gifts
Run around like a chicken with it's head cut off wrapping, cleaning, preparing for our trip, etc.
I've had to switch my long runs around this week because of our travel on Sunday. Tomorrow will be my long run (15) and then I have another back to back, so Saturday will be seven. Sunday it'll be marathon plane rides. Not my preferred marathon.
Now let's see if I can cross a few more items of my to do list and get to bed at a decent hour! That run tomorrow will be an early one!
*Not actual runs. Just running around!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Daily Mile
6 miles
1hr 7min
11:10 pace
Monday, December 17, 2012
Daily Mile
Well, my asthma is hanging on for dear life and today is crazy windy so I decided to hit the treadmill. In order to get it over with asap, I ran as fast as I could. I realize that I really am a slow runner because at this pace I almost died! But I didn't. So let's hope for no wind tomorrow.
3 miles
9:25 pace
Sunday, December 16, 2012
"Training Week 4" or "Five and a Half Nails"
Toenail loss aside, this week was great. I'm getting my breath back and have been able to train outdoors all week.
Week 4
Monday: 3
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 6.13
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 3
Saturday: 12.35
Total: 24.48
Previous Total: 63.91
Training Grand Total: 88.39
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Snow Run
Friday, December 14, 2012
Daily Mile
3 miles
10:03 pace
I saw this quote and it made me think of today's run. I have no idea who Pat Teske is, but the quote is great no matter who he/she is.
"Relish the bad training runs. Without them it's difficult to recognize, much less appreciate, the good ones." -Pat Teske
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Brutality to Bliss
6.13 miles
1hr 16 min
12:24 pace
This picture was taken, literally, on the run!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Nikki Kimball
Monday, December 10, 2012
Daily Mile
3 miles
10:24 pace
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Training Week 3
Today's mileage
Blizzard Run
1.5 miles
13 minute pace (ugh! I told you I was hurting!)
Treadmill Run
5 miles
11:14 minute pace
Today's total: 6.5
Week 3
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3.09
Wednesday: weight lifting
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Sick
Saturday: Sick
Sunday: 6.5
Total: 9.59 (I hope you were sitting down for that total.)
Previous total: 54.32
Training Grand Total: 63.91
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Daily Mile
0 minutes
0 pace
Impressive, right? Ugh! Today was very busy and I don't know if it's the air quality or what, but I'm having some asthma issues. LAME! So, I didn't run today, even though I should have. Hoping to be hacking less tomorrow so I can get my five miler in. I hope you still went running!
"No matter how slow I run, I'm still faster than my couch."
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Karl Meltzer!
Look who's on the cover of the December issue of Ultrarunning! Karl Meltzer, the same ultrarunner I saw out on Antelope Island on Saturday. Cool.
Daily Mile
Yesterday Katherine and I headed out into my neighborhood for a quick three miler. I have officially decided three miles is my least favorite distance. I often feel sluggish the first few miles and in distance running, that's okay because those miles are just a warm up and I start feeling good after several miles. A three miler often leaves me feeling like I don't much like running. Yesterday was no exception. I finally started to feel good at the 2.4 mile mark, and by then the run was nearly over. Oh well, I guess three milers are just a necessary evil. I suppose I could just switch all my three milers to five milers...
3.09 miles
11:09 pace
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Training Week 2
7 miles
11:42 pace
*The back to back run is when you run two long runs in a row. The purpose of the back to back for ultramarathon training is to prepare you for running on tired legs that you will certainly have on race day. The back to back goes like this: Day 1 long run, Day 2 long run of approximately half the distance of the day before, i.e. Saturday= 20 miles, Sunday= 10 miles.
Week 2
Monday: 3.1
Tuesday: 5
Wednesday: weight lifting
Thursday: 3
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 13.1
Sunday: 7
Total: 31.2
Week 1 Total: 23.12
Training Grand Total: 54.32