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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Dirt is still my favorite

We really really really could use some snow right about now.  The snowboarding is awful, everything is covered in brown ice and let's not even talk about the water supply.  However, while it's not snowing, I will enjoy dirt!  Katherine and I decided to go over to BST again because it was so awesome last week.  It was a bit icier than last week, but the dirt was still as glorious!

The biggest reason I think about moving from Salt Lake City is because of the pollution.  Here is a lovely pollution sunrise.
The moon was still visible when we started.
More pollution.
It was a pretty cold morning.  About 17º.

Check out this dirt!
There are some new signs posted in Corner Canyon.  I have never seen a cougar.  I've heard a pack of coyote, heard animals being attacked, seen deer, moosetoads, tarantulas, owls, had buffalo run downhill toward me, and seen animal remnants that have suggested cougars had been around, but have been very lucky to have never seen hide nor hair of a cougar.  Let's hope it stays that way.

Some of the ice we encountered was pretty sketchy.  Yay for microspikes!
After looking at the pollution I wonder why I live here.  Then I run in the mountains and remember exactly why I do.

7.01 miles
14:24 pace

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