30 mins bike trainer
30 mins elliptical
This is very boring. I have nothing to say about this except I'm very much looking forward to a nice long run this weekend!
30 mins bike trainer
30 mins elliptical
This is very boring. I have nothing to say about this except I'm very much looking forward to a nice long run this weekend!
Running only two miles is the same as not running, right? It felt damn good though. I did the bike trainer and elliptical first, then ran the mill and after lifted with Jeff. I felt solid and only felt mildly tight afterward.
30 min bike trainer
20 min hills elliptical
Weight lifting-chest
2 miles
10:57 pace
Today I headed out tentatively, figuring I would just go by feel and not by pace. Well, let me tell you I felt GREAT! I headed out Viscounti and kept about a 10:30 pace, which is speedy for me considering it's uphill on the way out. Then I was even faster on the way home. I can't thank my friend Melissa enough for working on me and helping me recover! I did more grinning on this run than I have in a while. Hot damn! I'm back!
4 miles
10:01 pace
Plus weight lifting with Jeff : legs, hips, glutes.
Today I ran at the gym. Jeff and I went together and he walked on the treadmill while I ran. I felt surprisingly good. I think the memory of my last run was still haunting me. About half way through the treadmill I was on mysteriously stopped and I had to change treadmills. Other than that it was rather uneventful and boring. After my run we did some lifting. I worked hips, arms and one full body move that I don't know what it was called. I feel pretty darn good now considering I didn't feel like running at all when we left the house!
4 miles
I don't know the rest because I had to switch treadmills, but I was running between a 10:30-11:09 pace.
Whichever comes first.
Running in the snow is a lot like running on trails, it takes a lot longer to get the same distance as on the dry road. Tomorrow I have a 19 miler scheduled. However, considering there is a lot of snow outside I may or may not make it 19 miles. I've decided that I will run for four hours or 19 miles, whichever comes first. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 15°. I'm feeling a little nervous this evening about that amount of mileage in this weather. I know ultimately I will be fine. I run in all sorts of crazy conditions and haven't given up yet. Luckily my running buddy Katherine is not only a great running buddy but a great motivator as well. After a few texts back and forth I'm feeling a little more ready to go! Wish me luck!
Leg cramps should be called lame cramps. I made it a whopping two miles on the treadmill today before I limped out of the gym and went home with a horrid cramp in my right calf. I was in tears by the time I got home. Luckily a hot bath, vapoRub and some ibuprofen have me feeling as good as new. I also took a multivitamin and drank some coconut water. I think a good multivitamin may now be in my running routine. I have have a few theories as to why I'm all of a sudden getting leg cramps. They include shin splint, vitamin deficiency (from celiac disease), and cold weather. It could be all or none of these, but it helps me get through situations to at least attempt to figure out what is going on. It blows my mind that I can happily run for four, plus hours one day and end up quitting in tears two days later after a measly 25 minutes of running. I guess all runs cannot be wonderful. Let's hope for a good run tomorrow. And no more calf cramps!
2 miles
Approx 22 minutes
11 min pace