It was brutally cold this morning! The gauge said 28º, but it felt colder than that, even. Katherine and I met up at the gully. Despite numerous runs in the gully over the years, we still managed to find new things! We even ended up on a main road at the turn around point, and a building that we were pretty sure was a bathroom. Once we hit about mile three we finally started to warm up, the sun starting coming and I was feeling really good. It was a beautiful run, despite the horrid air conditions. Plus, frozen fingers spurred a trip to Target for some new insulated mittens. I see warmer fingers in my future!
Popsicle friends.
Look at all that frost!
Hey! I've never seen that before!

Here comes the sun!

We're frozen, and we're happy about it!
Here comes Speedy K!
No wonder the first half of the run always seems harder. Dimple Dell is deceiving, because it doesn't really look uphill but it certainly is!
5.4 miles
12:55 average pace
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